Evidently Atlanta is the worst city for newspapers

Report: Just 13% of Atlantans read the print AJC
Downtown Atlanta: This is not an actual newsstand, but the set of Anchorman 2.

In case you missed it—and you probably did, because as you’ll soon learn, Atlantans don’t read much news—Atlanta is the worst city in the country for newspaper readership.

According to a recent story in Ad Age, just 13 percent of Atlantans read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in print, and only 11 percent of us read newspaper websites. (The story does not specify if those are only AJC-related sites or include others like Creative Loafing.)

Houston and San Antonio tie for the second-worst spot, followed by Las Vegas and Bakersfield, California.

The city with the highest newspaper consumption? Pittsburgh, where 19 percent of adults read the Post-Gazette and 12 percent are loyal to the Tribune-Review. (Yes, kids, there are still cities with more than one daily paper.) And some 9 percent of Steel City residents are daily readers of newspaper web content.

Overall, print newspaper readership has declined 20 percent since 2001, Ad Age notes.
