Delia’s Chicken Sausage Stand aims for December opening on the Westside

New location to offer a container rooftop patio and a soda fountain
Photo courtesy of Studio Chambers

Delia’s Chicken Sausage Stand—the late-night spot by Delia Champion (of Flying Biscuit fame) and Molly Gunn (of the Porter Beer Bar) on Moreland Avenue in 2011—is expanding to the Westside. Champion says the new location, 881 Marietta Street, may open as soon as December.

“The Marietta Street spot is going to be really cool because of the industrial area it’s in,” she says. “We’ll have a customized container sitting on the roof forming a deck. It’ll have a great view of the downtown skyline. It really suits the neighborhood.”

Champion ordered the demolition of half of the space while maintaining the integrity of the original shotgun-style building. She’s currently awaiting building permits, and if all goes as planned, the restaurant will be open before Christmas. It will be similar to the Moreland location but will double the amount of seating available by offering indoor seating as well as patio spots. Champion will also have a small office in the back of the new space, which will allow her to spend more time at the restaurant.

One other notable difference between the original and Westside locations will be the addition of a soda fountain—something Champion says patrons have asked for repeatedly over the years. Other than that, the menu and offerings remain the same, focusing on handcrafted link sausages with various toppings.

Champion says she hopes Gunn will have time to organize the opening team, as she did for the Moreland Avenue location, but her work at the Porter keeps her busy and Champsion said Gunn has not yet made that decision.

“She’s the best—I have my fingers crossed,” Champion says.
