Snow coming to Atlanta? Everyone to the Kroger, quickly!

Social media lights up with images of empty shelves as Atlantans grab all the bread and milk they can carry
Atlanta snow 2017
Hurry! Buy all the milk!

Photograph by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

There’s a chance of ice and snow in the forecast right now, and for metro Atlantans, that can only mean one thing: Go to Kroger. Buy all of the milk and bread. And eggs. And bananas. And then go home and wait out the madness that may or may not actually happen. This afternoon, the word “Kroger” was even a trending topic on Twitter in ATL. We’ve rounded up some of the best photos and responses from last night and today—hope your supplies are stocked!

bread hoarding has begun #kroger #snowsandwiches #atlantasnowprep

A photo posted by john gibson (@johngibsonis) on

Snoooooowwwwwwwww!!! #video #kroger @krogerco #atlanta #weloveatlanta #myatl

A video posted by SmileyEats (@realsmileyeats) on

@Kroger where’d you hide the shopping carts? #LOL #ATL #SNOW

A photo posted by Chris Rich (@chrisfrich) on

Of course, the Publix is no better:

So bring on the secondary market:

But there is still hope for all you latecomers:

Apparently, there are only a couple of us organic milk lovers in my area. No panic on this aisle.

A photo posted by Liza (@myfishpablo) on
