50th Anniversary: Atlanta City Council honors Atlanta magazine

We’re fifty, y’all. And our fiftieth anniversary issue, including our list of the fifty most influential Atlantans from the last half century, hits newsstands today.
To commemorate this momentous occasion, Atlanta City Council honored us this afternoon with a framed proclamation that lauded our past five decades as an authority on the capital of the South. Executive editor Betsy Riley accepted it on behalf of the magazine from councilman Kwanza Hall.
Some of the highlights from the proclamation: we’ve won more than 235 regional and national awards for journalism and design excellence in the past decade alone, we won a National Magazine Award for feature writing in 2008 (our industry’s highest honor), and we have the highest editorial quality of all the magazines covering Atlanta. In case you didn’t already know. The last one is something we’ve always suspected, but it’s nice to have the council write it in stone.
