For ‘Mars, Venus’ John Gray fans, a Super alternative to football on PBA 30 Sunday


Psst, Super Bowl XLIV widows: PBA 30, Atlanta’s PBS Station has a brilliant bit of counter-programming set to air opposite the Saints/Colts match up Sunday evening.

At 7 p.m., the station will air the Atlanta debut of relationships expert and best-selling author John Gray‘s new 90-minute special, “Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice.”

And the guru behind the “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” empire couldn’t be more pleased.

“The Super Bowl is the Martian holiday of the year!” Gray tells Intel from his Mill Valley, Calif. offices.”It’s a day for men to go into their cave and relax.”

In the special, Gray details why men typically come home from work and immediately make an indention in the couch.

Studies show they’re replacing much-needed testosterone.

For Super Bowl Sunday, Gray suggests the ladies gather together and watch his special or go out shopping or get a massage.

“Don’t hover outside the cave,” he hints. “Men will feel better knowing that you’re out doing something you enjoy while he’s watching the game. And don’t wait on him either. Just ignore him.”

Gray has a studio audience of couples in stitches in the frequently hilarious special.

Especially when he rifles through a female audience member’s purse and provides the emotional and psychological framework for the vast array of make up products, credit cards and a bulging change purse.

At home, however, Gray admits he remains like every husband hoping to side-step the landmines of everyday living.

“Like every guy out there, I’m a work in progress too,” he explains. “I threw my wife a dinner party recently for her 60th birthday. But she said the best gift was when I stood up and simply said, ‘Over 30 years together, every time I was wrong, you were right.'”

And men, you don’t have to back up a Brink’s truck to Tiffany & Co to keep your wife on speaking terms with you either, according to Gray.
On Super Bowl Sunday, it can be an act as simple as taking out the trash during a commercial and remembering to replace the trash can liner with a fresh bag.

Explains Gray: “You’re telling her, ‘I heard you what you communicated to me. I listened to you.’ For a lot of women, that’s better than flowers!”

“John Gray: Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice” debuts Sunday at 7 p.m. on PBA 30, followed at 8:30 p.m. by a concert by British jazz man Jamie Cullum “Live at Blenheim Palace” and “Be a Healthy Woman” featuring Dr. Gary Null at 10 p.m.
