Our 50th anniversary gala: a recap

Well, we turned fifty this month! And we’ve been doing quite a lot of celebrating. First, we had our fiftieth anniversary issue, which featured our list of the fifty people who made our city, and a whole bunch of other special anniversary stuff, such as video interviews with various luminaries, galleries of all our covers, and timelines of the major events and trends from the last half century. (And for our tech savvy readers, we had a special birthday present: a free copy of our digital edition.) Then, we rolled out an exhibit at the Atlanta HIstory Center that presented the history of our ever-evolving city as seen through the magazine’s eyes, which is free and runs through September 18.
And on Wednesday, we had our official birthday party in the Atlanta History Center’s ballroom. The fete entailed ice sculptures, sliders, Foundry furniture, and a guest list that ran the gamut from former mayors Sam Massell and Bill Campbell to Sally Dorsey Blondie. Francine Reed sang, John Lewis chowed down on a burger, the Clermont temptess danced, Mayor Reed gave us all permission to “make some noise,” we complied, John Rocker showed up, I hugged Laura Turner Seydel, and revelry was had by all. The one downside? Our signature drink, the Atlanta Mag-tini, had practically no alcohol in it. Founding editor (and notorious drinker) Jim Townsend would not have approved.
If you want to see pictures from the event, we have every single photo imaginable up on our site.