The kickoff party on Friday night at the Georgia Aquarium was fun and colorful but tame. However, sharks eating fish proved to be a good introductory metaphor for the weekend’s activities. And no one can really resist a setting in which one can both pet manta rays and dance to Ke$ha.
Friday bar-hoppers split into three even camps divided along preference and spread across Heretic, Burkhart’s, and Blake’s. Guess which camp patronized which club. If only Heretic and Burkhart’s could have combined… Plus, Club Reign kind of opened in the old Visions location across from the new Loews; it might be a gay bar, it didn’t have its liquor license yet, and the party was kind of a dud.
Saturday festivities in Piedmont Park proved that the one thing upon which all of Atlanta’s gay denizens can agree is that relaxing in a pasture is the best use of a weekend afternoon. Touch football, Frisbee, and funnel cake are pretty enjoyable, too.
Idol finalist Kimberly Locke headlined in Piedmont on Saturday night, and we all wondered whatever happened to Adam Lambert.
Livingston’s pre-parade brunch on Sunday had some great chocolate mousse, if only so-so waffles.
A Lady Gaga impersonator danced atop a moving truck during the parade—and almost fell down a few times. The procession also featured Kasim Reed and various political candidates (only one of whom actually had a float replete with rainbow designs—Libertarian John Monds), and it seems that contrary to what New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino might presume, the social fabric did not immediately unravel as a result. There were also biker motorcades, a line of white angels, and a baton-tossing group perfectly choreographed to Ricky Martin’s “The Cup of Life.” Plus, there was a surprising dearth or rainbow flags this year. What gives, Pride parade?
So many people packed into Blake’s on Sunday that a fire marshal had to shut it down, and Burkhart’s became the logical alternative. Or just staying in the park.
Somehow we all made it in to work on Monday.
And if you want to hit up the gay scene again this weekend, don’t forget to check out our gay club listings.