SCADpads transform parking spaces into micro houses

How much can you pack into 135 square feet? SCAD Atlanta finds out.

Right now, SCAD Atlanta students and faculty are sleeping in the parking lot of the Atlanta campus’s main building. No, it’s not a dorm crisis or a protest, but an experiment in small living spaces. Each detail of three 135-square-foot “SCADpads” was designed by students, professors, and alums, whose work includes toilets made using 3-D printers, portable fire features, and detailed architectural planning to fit an efficient and compact home into an area the size of a standard parking space.

The tiny homes are intended to explore ways to develop housing in underused parking decks in high-density urban centers: SCAD’s Midtown garage could hold up to 400 of the miniature dwellings. The designs also could serve as future models for emergency and low-cost housing.

Installed in SCAD’s Midtown parking garage in April, the SCADpads include communal open areas that feature a community garden and composting center. Textiles and fibers were used to soften the industrial surfaces and provide built-in artwork. The modular wall system includes integrated storage components.

Stay tuned: Our deputy editor Rebecca Burns will stay in a SCADpad this weekend. Check the Daily Agenda blog next week for her experience in the experiment.

This article originally appeared in our June 2014 issue under the headline “Downsizing.”
