Asset Submission for Partner Sponsored Content Inclusion

Submit your assets for inclusion in a partner sponsored content campaign using the form below.

Submit your assets for the partner sponsored content campaign:

  • Contact Information

    This information will only be used for internal contacting purposes. It will not be published in the sponsored content.
  • Content Information

    This is the information we will use in the published content to promote your specific destination. Please follow all instructions and reach out to Kate Weimer at for any assistance.
  • This should be a brief, snappy description of your destination/offering. It will be used as the header of your section. There is a 60-character limit, including spaces.
  • This will be the main content of your section. Use this space to describe your destination/offering in detail. There is a 200-character limit, including spaces.
  • This is the image we will use for your section. The image should be horizontal and at least 1000 pixels wide. Please use a high-quality, photograph-style image that does not have any graphics or text added onto it. There is a 5 MB file size limit.
    Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • In lieu of a section image, we can use an embedded video. The video must already be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo—please provide the video's link here if you would rather use a video. If you opt to use a video, we will not use a photo as well but you will still be required to submit a photo on this form. Please just upload your logo to that field.