Atlanta Magazine’s February 2022 Issue

A note from Sean McGinnis, President & Publisher:

For the month of February, we are thrilled to bring you our sweetest issue yet! To celebrate some of the best bakers Atlanta has to offer, we bring you all things glazed, whipped, frosted, layered, and sprinkled. Treat yourself to a decadent read with stories of independent pastry artists, the city’s loveliest loaves, and the reinvention of cornbread from a side piece to a whole snack.

Additionally, this issue will offer an eye-opening account of the discovery of letters in a Midtown attic that were written by an Augusta woman living in Nazi Germany. Raw and confessional, this story explores the history of racism that has permeated both in the United States and abroad­ – and how, as we enter a month that celebrates love, we can look to the injustices of the past to further drive us to create a better future.

Be sure to peruse through other captivating stories such as that of Normer Adams, who has spent his retirement saving over 1,000 cats from trees, as well as Dawn Williams Boyd, whose cloth paintings convey the history of black lives in America. This issue also provides a look into the impact of Atlanta’s Historical Black Colleges and Universities.

As with every issue, we bring you this month’s preview and round up of Atlanta’s newest restaurants. Lastly, February is Heart Health month so you’ll want to look into our expert’s advice on taking care of your heart.

February is also the perfect time to begin planning that Spring Vacation so be sure to check out our Destinations section and begin making your trip plans now!

Be sure to engage with us on social media and subscribe to any number of our regular digital newsletters including our Daily Brief.

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