Dough in the Box, Marietta

Jesus and Dannia Balestena bought this 1950s throwback in 2010 and craft nearly thirty variations daily. Apple fritters are standouts, and they make the best cake doughnuts in the metro area (try the sour cream version)

Sublime Doughnuts

Doughnut superstar Kamal Grant puts some serious swagger in fried dough with variations like fresh strawberry, Orange Dream Star, and dulce de leche.

One City, Three Ways: Natchez, Mississippi

Named for the Natchez tribe of Indigenous Americans, Natchez is a perfect destination for foodies, history buffs, and nature lovers alike.

Dutch Monkey Doughnuts

Pastry chefs Arpana Satyu and Martin Burge run this stylish cafe and lift doughnuts to artful new levels. Lately they’ve been reveling in raised “bismarck” doughnuts filled with jellies like passion fruit and raspberry.

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