Culturally Relevant Computing Lab

Students who want to join Kinnis Gosha’s computing lab at Morehouse College can’t just work on their own projects; they must agree to be ambassadors for science and technology on campus and in the community.

Atlanta Science Festival

A smartphone, a tasty beer, and a drum concert by a musician with a prosthetic arm: All brought to you by . . . science.

Capitol City Opera

Give them a chance and kids love opera. Really. Capitol City Opera stages performances for as many as 20,000 students at dozens of schools every year.

Science of Fun

Instead of dance or music, Science of Fun offers STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) afternoon programs and summer camps to kids as young as five.

Community Guilds’ STE(A)M truck

With all the focus on STEM education, one piece seems to be missing: training for kids who might not work in labs but want to do something hands-on.

Adam Marcus

In his day job, Adam Marcus directs a research laboratory focused on cancer biology at Emory’s Winship Cancer Institute.

Global Village Project

With girls under siege in many countries, it’s not surprising that some refugee girls come to America with gaps in learning—and limited literacy even in their own languages.

Talk with Me Baby

When you're changing or rocking hat newborn, it's key to be chatty too. Talk with Me Baby, an initiative compromised of several local agencies and lets by the Marcus Autism Center, trains nurses to encourage new moms and moms-to-be to speak to their babies.

Atlanta Community Food Bank’s Kids in Need

Kids from lower-income families face a host of struggles at school. Not having supplies to complete assignments is one of the most basic challenges.

Mount Vernon Presbyterian School

Believing that kids learn best when they’re not stuck behind desks in boring classrooms, Mount Vernon Presbyterian School created $500,000 open-concept flex spaces in the lower school.

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