We love our fast food

How much time do you spend in that drive-thru? On an average day, we get a little more than 11 percent of our calories from fast food, according to a new study from the CDC.

Why you should be eating beets

This taproot’s popularity peaked around 1982—about the time Wolfgang Puck first paired it with goat cheese. That puts beets somewhere between avocados and sun-dried tomatoes on Bon Appetit’s list of the trendiest vegetables of the last fifty years.

Diet drinks gives bigger buzz to alcohol

Skinny sorority girls finally can blame science. According to a new study, mixing alcohol and diet drinks can get you drunker. The study, set to be published in the April issue of the journal, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, found that people who drank their booze with diet mixers had higher breath alcohol content that those who drank with non-diet drinks.

Lose money or gain weight?

Would you rather lose $1,000 or gain 20 pounds? A new survey says more than half of Americans would rather lose the cash. Probably because it's a lot harder to eventually lose the weight.

7 avocado dishes to order next time you’re out

JCT: shrimp and avocado salad

Tracking foodborne illnesses

Feeling sick to your stomach? Where did you have lunch? A new report released by the CDC finds nearly half of all foodborne illnesses in the U.S. each year are in some way associated with restaurants and delis.

What’s in your mac & cheese?

A couple of mom food bloggers are taking on Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, with an online petition demanding the company stop using the dyes that give the kid-favorite pasta its trademark neon yellow glow. Dr. Maureen Lamm, a Marietta doctor and mom is outspoken on the topic. She's founder of MomsABC, a site that gives parents information to make healthy choices for their kids.

Jogging on Jameson

Once in a while, I find myself running—occasionally from someone, or as part of an annual St. Patrick's day pub run, but more often late at night to sober up—with alcohol in my system.

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