Tweets of the Week (Plus a Tumblr and a Meme): Emory 3/5 Edition

Wagner's piece in the Winter 2013 edition of Emory's alumni magazine used the Constitution's notorious Three-Fifths Compromise, which counts all non-free people (aka, slaves) as only three-fifths of a person, as an example of compromise at its finest.

Tweets of the Day: Paula Deen edition

The National Enquirer got the scoop, but since then everyone from the American Bar Association Journal to Gawker jumped on details revealed in a video deposition given by celeb chef Paula Deen in a harassment suit filed by a former employee. The butter-loving cook’s reported admissions that, “of course,” she’s used the N-word in the past, and she once pondered hosting a plantation-themed wedding, understandably, set both legacy media and social media aflame.

Tweets of the Day: July 18, 2012—Chick-fil-A Edition

Atlantans (and those with ties to Atlanta) take to Twitter to respond to Dan Cathy's recent statements against gay marriage:

Tweets of the Day: September 28, 2012—Chipper Jones Edition

The Braves will honor the ostensible future Hall of Famer before tonight's Mets game. Here's how fans (and Chipper himself) feel about his retirement:

Tweets of the Day: December 21, 2012—End of the World Edition

What Atlantans have to say about the Mayan dramarama:

Tweets of the Day: September 21, 2012—Music Midtown Edition

How people are celebrating this year's two-day music festival:

Tweets of the Day: Siri lives in Sandy Springs edition

In its best scoop in recent memory, CNN revealed that the voice of Apple's digital assistant Siri is actually that of Susan Bennett, an actress who lives in Sandy Springs. Everyone took to their iPhones to comment.

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