5 tips for planting your own tomatoes
Everyone knows grocery store tomatoes are lame. Fortunately, according to garden expert and WSB host Walter Reeves, tomatoes are one of the easiest vegetables to grow yourself.
Find a peaceful escape in Atlanta
Need a moment? Here are five places in the metro area where you can steal away to calm down and gather your thoughts.
How to work out in your car
Atlantans spend a lot of time in cars—30.1 minutes each time we drive to work. That’s more than any other major city except New York, D.C., and Chicago. When you can’t move, use the delay to exercise. Personal trainer Carlos Jordan of Buckhead’s Ultimate Bodies by Carlos suggests trying the following exercises (but only when you’re at a complete stop!)
5 reasons to try a standing desk
In offices across the country, sitting is the new smoking. Here’s why workers are shunning ergonomic chairs in favor of standing desks.
3 scenic running trails in Atlanta
We asked Eric Champlin, editor and founder of AtlantaTrails.com, to recommend three of his favorite routes around metro Atlanta. Here’s what he had to say.
Yes, sipping red wine can be good for you
Studies have shown that drinking a moderate amount of red wine lowers your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart disease, and sudden cardiac death by 25% to 40%. John Passman, owner of Cellar 13 Wine Merchant, recommends three reds to enjoy this winter.
3 healthy Atlanta lunch spots
Enjoy a healthy meal and order juices, salads, wraps, and more at these three Atlanta restaurants.
2 winning Atlanta workouts (and great tunes to go with them)
Check out these fitness classes if you're motivated by competition. Plus—Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Kasim Reed, and more share their favorite workout songs.
Volunteer: MLK Day of Service
On January 19, join Hands On Atlanta for its 20th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.
How to pick a perfect pillow
Get a good night's rest by learning how to pick the perfect pillow according to Cam Reynolds, co-owner of Gramercy.