5 Atlanta sandwich breads you need to try

Enhance your lunch with these local loaves

From homey wheats to tangy sourdoughs, the right boule can make your sandwich fillings shine.

Country Sourdough from Proof Bakeshop

Photograph by Caroline C. Kilgore

Country Sourdough
Proof Bakeshop
This sturdy sourdough lives up to its name with a super-sharp flavor that pairs well with cold cuts and cheese. $6.95

Bea’s White Bread
TGM Bread
With a chewy brioche-like crust, this sweet white loaf from the General Muir’s bakery is like a gourmet Wonder Bread that’s ideal for tomato sandwiches. $6

H&F Bread Co.
There’s a reason this airy classic is all over the city. With its hearty crust, this mildly acidic white
goes with every­thing from grilled cheese to chicken salad. $6

Sprouted Wheat Bread at La Calavera Bakery

Photograph by Caroline C. Kilgore

Sprouted Wheat Bread
La Calavera Bakery
Decatur’s Mexican bakery sprouts a nutrient-dense loaf that still has the malt of a rich wheat. Try it with a light, mild filling like turkey. $9

Original Oat Porridge
Lion Tamer Bread
Decatur baker Brian Dulisse packs in fermented, cooked oats to create this dense yet mild wheat. The honeyed flavor highlights sweeter combos like ham or PB&J. $8

This article originally appeared in our November 2016 issue.
