Atlanta employees just kinda content

New survey says we’re 27 out of 50


Do you wake up each morning so darn happy to go to work? Atlanta is just “meh” on a new survey of overall worker contentment.

Glassdoor, an online jobs and career site, polled employees in the 50 largest U.S. metro areas about overall job happiness, as well as satisfaction in areas including compensation and benefits, senior management, expectations for company outlook, and the number of employers hiring per city.

The city-by-city report card gave top honors to San Jose and San Francisco, followed by Seattle, Salt Lake City, and Washington D.C.

Atlanta was about in the middle of the contentment pack, ranked at No. 27. The average satisfaction rating here was a 3.2 on a 5.0 scale with 43 percent saying the business outlook in metro Atlanta is looking good for the next six months.

At the bottom of the happy-to-go-to-work list:
50. Denver
49. Las Vegas
48. Milwaukee
47. Tampa
46. Charlotte
