Try a winter community-supported agriculture program

Four options for fresh vegetables

Most Community-Supported Agriculture programs take a break during winter, but a few keep going, offering greens and root vegetables such as kale, spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Some add products like jellies, grits, and nuts. Here are four CSAs to try:

Illustration by Jameson Simpson
Illustration by Jameson Simpson

TaylOrganic Farm
Year-round; $679.80 for 12 weekly boxes of vegetables, $407.88 for 12 weekly half boxes of vegetables; fruit, eggs, and meat also available.

Truly Living Well Center for Natural Urban Agriculture
Year-round; $400 for 13 weekly baskets, $250 for 13 weekly half baskets.

Rise ’N Shine Farm
December to April; $420 for full share, $207 for biweekly half share.

Country Gardens Family Farm
November to February; milk and eggs only; pricing varies by order.

Local produce is also delivered during winter months by Atlanta Locally Grown and Moore Farms and Friends.

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This article originally appeared in our 2015 Health issue.
