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Home Gateway Center
Give Atlanta 2018 Nonprofits
Gateway Center
Founded in 2005, Gateway Center’s mission is to connect people experiencing homelessness with the support necessary to become self-sufficient and find their way home.
Gateway Center (GWC) is a homeless service center that serves as a “beacon of hope” for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the city of Atlanta. GWC annually serves more than 6,000 people who are experiencing homelessness and provides residential housing coupled with case management support for 469 men. Through a collective impact model, GWC partners with other local nonprofits to provide clients with access to services that will assist them in becoming stably housed and employed.
Gateway Center strategically aligns our partnerships and services to the agency’s five keys to success: 1) housing placement 2) health and wellness 3) family and community engagement 4) job skills training and placement and 5) financial and adult literacy. All services and partnerships are designed to achieve our shared community goal of making homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring.
Gateway Center invites you and your network to join us in our efforts to save lives by donating your time, talent, and treasures to our cause. Information on how to donate and volunteer to Gateway Center can be found on our website at gatewayctr.org/donate.
275 Pryor Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30318