It’s gonna get hot 10/21
Jump to… Atlanta 2040: What life will look like in the city’s third century Our jackets could answer the phone Everything will be customized Suburbs must learn to share We won’t report to the office every day Commutes will be safer AUC sports will rule Delivery food will improve Hip-hop will be the new golden oldies Downtown can look like Paris It’s gonna get hot Cancer won’t be deadly The largest city in the nation? Still the city of trees The “Atlanta Way” won’t be just black and white Kitchens will have a fridge, a freezer, and a growing unit We’ll all be farming Shopping will be fun Art will go outdoors We’ll welcome many Hispanic cultures Virtual reality will become reality We’ll be on iPhone 27
We’ll see more heat waves and more temperatures above 90 degrees—with more frequent and intense droughts. And when rainfall is heaviest, we could see more events like the 500-year flood of 2009. The combined effects of climate warming and—with more people living intown—a growing urban heat island will expose more people to heat-related health risks.
—Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, director of the University of Georgia’s Atmospheric Sciences program
Jump to… Atlanta 2040: What life will look like in the city’s third century Our jackets could answer the phone Everything will be customized Suburbs must learn to share We won’t report to the office every day Commutes will be safer AUC sports will rule Delivery food will improve Hip-hop will be the new golden oldies Downtown can look like Paris It’s gonna get hot Cancer won’t be deadly The largest city in the nation? Still the city of trees The “Atlanta Way” won’t be just black and white Kitchens will have a fridge, a freezer, and a growing unit We’ll all be farming Shopping will be fun Art will go outdoors We’ll welcome many Hispanic cultures Virtual reality will become reality We’ll be on iPhone 27