Adam Scott finds friends at Midtown Art Cinema


This is a guest post by Mark Ziemer, a graphic designer with Atlanta magazine and avid screen junkie who enjoys writing about his favorite films and TV shows in his spare time.

While we all enjoy an unplanned celeb sighting at a Midtown restaurant or Virginia-Highland pub, it’s nice when a movie star sets a date with his fans. This past weekend, astute Twitter followers and Friday night moviegoers were treated to a visit from actor Adam Scott—most famous for his TV roles in “Party Down” and “Parks and Recreation”—at the Midtown Art Cinema after a screening of his new movie “Friends with Kids.”

In a half-hour Q&A session, Scott talked about the challenge of shooting the comedy in only a few weeks and dished briefly on his forthcoming film, “A.C.O.D.,” which stars Amy Poehler, Jane Lynch, and Richard Jenkins and is now filming in Atlanta. Though Scott has only been here a week, he’s enjoyed his stay so far and gave a shoutout to Athens for its great music venues. A dare from a questioner to visit the Clermont got a “maybe” from the star, and we can only await the Twitter photos that might emerge. (DeNiro, watch your back.)

Scott fielded questions about making out with Jon Hamm’s wife (“Friends with Kids” director/star Jennifer Westfeldt), being a father, and his acting methodology (there isn’t one) and gushed about a table read with Richard Jenkins in “Step Brothers” as a standout career moment. He also proved a good sport when one questioner launched into a five-minute question that bordered on monologue. Scott ribbed that they must be from the New York Times before answering with a simple “yes.”

As the session came to a close, the actor obliged the “Party Down” followers in the audience by reciting his big line from that show—”Are we having fun yet?”– and stuck around for a photo session with fans.

“Friends with Kids” is playing now at select theaters in the Atlanta area. Leading man not included. —Mark Ziemer
