What are you doing this weekend? February 20-23

Celebrate black history, groove to two hot pop stars, and check out photos of Clermont Lounge (Wait, what?)
Photograph by James Minchin

It looks like General Beauregard Lee might have bested Punxsutawney Phil after all. With temps this week in the 60s and 70s, Atlanta appears to have been thrust into an early spring after a round of apocalyptic winter storms and contention with a Polar Vortex. But fickle weather can never be trusted for long—get out and enjoy these events before Mother Nature changes her mind—again.

Black History Month Parade 
Tracing a route through Sweet Auburn from Woodruff Park, the parade features a spectrum of performers that ranges from the ATL Bomb Squad dancers and Chattanooga Prancing Princesses to the Black Movie Network float and the Legends Marching Band from Freeport, Bahamas. Saturday 12 p.m. blackhistorymonthparade.com

Locals We Love: Dana Hazels Seith 
The Atlanta author will sign copies of No Cameras: The Clermont Lounge, which is, ironically, a coffee table book, at the W Atlanta Midtown’s Living Room. Of course Blondie will also be there, accompanyed by clips of AKA Blondie. Thursday 7 p.m. watlantamidtown.com

Robin Thicke 
Your novelty foam fingers are safe for now—Thicke’s performance at the Fox won’t feature Miley (who plays Philips next month), but will likely get “Blurred Lines” stuck in your head again. Friday 7:45 p.m. foxtheatre.org

Jennifer Nettles 
The Atlanta-born singer-songwriter and half of country superstar duo Sugarland takes to the Fox stage to perform material from her new solo album. Saturday 8 p.m. foxtheatre.org

Courtney Garrett 
Oil paintings and mixed media works from the Atlanta artist’s series Rebirth of Venus Under the Final Adam are on display at Alan Avery Art. Through March 1. alanaveryartcompany.com

Disco Skate 
You might want to hit the Goodwill before heading off to Atlantic Station’s ice rink—the skaters in the finest retro digs will win movie and Chick-a-Biddy gift cards. Saturday 6 p.m. atlanticstation.com

B.J. Novak 
Best known as hapless onetime intern Ryan on The Office, Novak, also a writer and producer on the show, is a Harvard grad (English and Spanish literature). He comes to the Atlanta History Center to talk about his literary debut, the short story collection One More Thing. Friday 7 p.m. atlantahistorycenter.com
