What are you doing this weekend? March 6-9

Punk rockers, a devilish deal, and running for those in need
The Atlanta Opera will perform Faust on Saturday

Painting by Matthughesart.com

Whether you’re looking for some new tunes, need a good laugh, crave a hoppy drink, or are looking for a way to give back, there’s plenty going on in the ATL this weekend.

The Black Lips and Deerhunter
The Atlanta-grown and self-described “flower punk” band plays the Variety Playhouse with hometown act Deerhunter co-headlining. Friday 8:30p.m. variety-playhouse.com

The Atlanta Opera stages Charles Gounod’s classic account of a deal with the Devil at the Cobb Energy Centre. Opens Saturday 8 p.m., through March 16. cobbenergycentre.org

Hunger Walk/Run 2014
If our story on food deserts made you want to help Atlantans who don’t have access to fresh, healthy food, one way is to take part in this 5k at Turner Field, now in it’s 30th year, which raises money for Atlanta Community Food Bank, Episcopal Charities Foundation, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, and other nonprofits. Sunday 2 p.m. hwr2014.org

Dave Barry
The humorist will sign copies of his latest book, this one all about being perils of being a dad, at the Buckhead Barnes and Noble on Peachtree and the Carter Library. B&N: Friday 12:30 p.m.; Carter: Friday 7 p.m. barnesandnoble.com; jimmycarterlibrary.org

St. Vincent
The indie songstress brings her eclectic sound to the (once again sturdy) Tabernacle. Saturday 8 p.m. tabernacleatl.com

Shrek: The Musical
The Alliance stages a one-hour, kid-friendly version of Broadway’s Shrek: The Musical, inspired by the animated hit and William Steig book. Through March 16. alliancetheatre.org

Pay as You Wish Day
You can pay two pennies or two grand to get admission to the High Museum of Art—the museum is celebrating its new extended hours with live music and tours. Friday 10 a.m. high.org

Taste and Brews
The brews far outnumber the tastes at this Atlanta Food Truck Park festival—while tastings from only 10 trucks will be offered, the event boasts 10 times that many beers, literally. Saturday 2 p.m. tasteandbrews.com
