Stop by Harold’s, check out the Atlanta Streetcar progress

The first ‘Streetcar Social’ takes place Thursday, April 11

As we’ve observed, while the Atlanta Streetcar offers huge future potential for shops and restaurants in the Edgewood/Auburn Ave. corridor, at the present, it’s creating, if not nightmares, certainly a less-than-dreamy business environment.

Utility construction, traffic detours, and obstructed parking spots make it harder than ever for businesses in an already challenging corner of town.

So it’s a step in the right direction that Central Atlanta Progress is launching a series of “Streetcar Socials,” inviting folks to get to know spots on the future trolley line.

First up: Harold’s Chicken and Ice Bar. You can stop by for free snacks and drinks between 5:30 and 7 p.m. this Thursday (April 11). If you do so, why not stay (and pay for) dinner? I’m a fan of the chicken slathered with hot sauce, but the perch is plenty tasty, too.

To RSVP for the social: click here

For the latest on the streetcar construction: click here
