Newt’s next stops: Alabama and Mississippi


Avert your eyes!

Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are in a three-way in Alabama. 

You’re probably thinking, “Isn’t that illegal in Alabama?”

Well, it’s not that kind of three-way. Rasmussen polling has the three men in a statistical dead heat on the final weekend before Tuesday’s primary.

Across the line in Mississippi, which also has a primary on Tuesday, Rasmussen has Romney with 35 percent and Gingrich and Santorum tied for second with 27 percent.

Mitt Romney ahead in Mississippi? How is that possible? Perhaps it’s the grits.

Averaging several polls has been a pretty accurate tool for predicing these contests, but we have to go with these solo Rasmussen polls for now because there are no other polls with which to average them.

So c’mon pollsters, get down to Alabama and Mississippi and start-a-pollin’. I hear there’s a Ron Paul rally at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi Saturday.
