Party Preview: Art on the Block

The inaugural Midtown Festival of the Arts opens with a cocktail party and art auction September 24 at the Loews hotel in Midtown. The auction will feature thirty stools, chairs, and tables “Bedazzled” by local artists such as Linda Curtis and Jeffrey Stone.
“It’s a way for younger patrons to build an art collection with affordable yet functional pieces that will appreciate in value,” says event head Leslie Johnson. “Who doesn’t wish they had bought a [Hans Godo Frabel glass sculpture] twenty-five years ago?”
The festival will run September 25 to 26 on Peachtree Street between Fifth and Tenth streets. It will include more than 100 artists, a music stage, a road race, and a free screening of Driving Miss Daisy in front of the Margaret Mitchell House on Saturday night.
Johnson says closing down Peachtree Street was essential. “Twenty years ago, everyone lived in the suburbs and only idled in their cars on Peachtree to get from one place to another. Midtown and Peachtree have grown into a wonderful arts destination that we want people to discover.”