Share your favorite John Lewis memories

It seems that nearly every Atlantan has some kind of story about meeting the civil rights hero. What's yours?

John Lewis
John Lewis at a 2013 book signing event.

Photograph by Larry French/Getty Images

As our nation mourns the passing of Congressman John Lewis, we wanted to give Atlantans an opportunity to share their personal John Lewis stories. This is a project we began on a happier day, when we celebrated his 80th birthday back in February. The civil rights legend was always a man of the people. And it seems that nearly every Atlantan has some kind of story about meeting Lewis; maybe you sat next to him on a flight or bumped into him on the sidewalk. Maybe you were lucky enough to be in the audience while he gave a passionate speech. Maybe you met him dressed in your best cosplay while he signed copies of his graphic novel memoir at Dragon Con. This weekend’s social media has been full of photos of Lewis hugging his constituents and fans, shaking hands, and saying hello.

Use the box below to share your favorite Lewis story, and we’ll compile and publish as many as we can in a future article.

We are no longer collecting stories. Thanks for your interest!
