What you’ll find at the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s newly renovated Children’s Garden

It’s the first overhaul since the Children’s Garden opened in 1999
Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
The Lou Glenn Children's Garden at the Atlanta Botanical Garden

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Nearly a year after breaking ground last fall, the Atlanta Botanical Garden has opened phase one of its new and improved Children’s Garden, part of a $7 million renovation. (Phase two will open later this summer.) The garden also has a new name honoring longtime supporter Lou Glenn, who was a key figure in developing the original garden when it opened in 1999. Here’s what visiting families can look forward to:

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
A butterfly sculpture greets visitors

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

The colorful-but-dated caterpillar and butterfly sculptures have been removed. Now a shiny metal butterfly stands guard near the entrance of the Children’s Garden.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Hooray for bathrooms!

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Parents should be legit excited for the new bathroom pavilion, conveniently located near the splash pad.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Teach ’em where veggies come from.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

An edible garden provides learning opportunities for young visitors—and a place to give a nod to Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Bees abuzz.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Get an close-up look at how honey is made at the glass-enclosed beehive.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Painting with water.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Stop by the slate wall, where you can “paint” using nothing but water.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Bounce or sway? Take your pick.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Kids can test their balance crossing over a bouncy bridge or a swaying rope bridge.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Ready for story hour.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

The outdoor stage has also received a facelift.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Just don’t climb on top.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Little builders can construct their own playhouse using balsa wood.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Slithering through the plants.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Wind your way along the new serpentine path.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Be sure to pack a suit.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

The new splashpad—still located near the entrance—is double the size of the old one.

Atlanta Botanical Garden Children's Garden renovation
Coming soon.

Photograph by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Phase two is slated to open later this summer, and will include an expanded tree house, as well as some of families’ favorite original features, like the garden gnomes.
