From Southern Cooking by Mrs. S.R. Dull
3/4 cup bacon drippings
1 large onion
6 fresh tomatoes, peeled and sliced
1 quart of cut okra
1 cup of boiling water
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Into a heavy fry pan, put grease; slice onion quite thin, and fry in grease a very light brown. Care must be taken not to burn or cook too much, for this would ruin the entire dish. Add tomatoes, okra, and water; stir often; add seasoning when half done.
2. Cook about 1 hour. The mixture should be thick enough to be eaten with a fork. Serve with dry rice or as a vegetable with small individual corn meal hoecakes, which should be well-done and crusty.
3. Half a dozen fresh mushrooms broiled, chopped, and added would make the dish more delicious. To rub the pan with a cut clove of garlic gives another added charm.
4. This mixture prepared and put into green peppers and baked would be another way of using.