New Southern Cooking by Nathalie Dupree

Dull’s Southern Cooking documented venerable food customs, but Dupree’s now-classic New Southern Cooking bridged traditional Southern cuisine with the New American culinary movement that began to flower in the eighties. Published in 1986 and written as a companion to her television series of the same name, the book helped ingratiate Southern foodways to the rest of the country with its casual, conversational tone and streamlined recipes. “The fun of new Southern cooking is to take the old and the new and put them together with creative zest,” Dupree says in the introduction. The former Atlanta magazine columnist proves her point skillfully with recipes such as butter bean soup made with champagne rather than stock, and dinner roll dough whipped together using a food processor. If you’re new to Southern cooking or need a refresher course in fried green tomatoes, shad, and caramel cake, Dupree remains the quintessential teacher.

New Southern Cooking
By Nathalie Dupree
University of Georgia Press

RECIPE: Butter Bean Soup
