Closet cleanse: Tips from a professional organizer on keeping your clothes arranged

Plus a trick so you know which clothes you should donate
Closet Cleanse

Photograph by Tropico Photo

If getting dressed each morning feels like a chore, it might be time to clean out your closet, says Shannon Loe, founder of the professional organizing company Live with Less. Here, she shares three tips for getting to a clear and clutter-free space.

Start with a clean slate.
Loe recommends first taking everything—yes, everything—out of your closet before you begin. When you’re trying to organize your wardrobe, “every piece of clothing becomes a distraction,” Loe says. Once the space is empty, she suggests vacuuming and cleaning before moving anything back.

Group by type.
Make piles by category to see exactly how many jeans or sweaters you have so you can start narrowing down to what you actually need. “When you’re reviewing each category, evaluate each piece one by one,” Loe says. “If pieces have permanent stains or irreparable damages, they don’t belong in your closet.”

Return clothes with hangers facing the wrong direction.
Once worn, items go back with hangers in the right direction. This trick holds you accountable for what you wear—and what you don’t. “Six months later, everything still hanging the wrong way should be consigned or donated,” Loe says.

This article originally appeared in our January 2018 issue.
