Canned craft beer brings convenience to summer drinking

Sweetwater and Terrapin among craft breweries to shift from bottles to cans

Who wants craft beer in bottles? Bottles let in light, which is bad for beer. Cans are easier to chill, and they pack well for hikes, pools, and floats.

The Old Reliable SweetWater 420 in cans? For fans of Atlanta’s intown behemoth brewer, it’s about time. Also in cans: Its IPA.

The Adventurers Terrapin calls its new Hi-5 IPA “a whitecap on an ocean wave.” We just call it refreshing. Also in cans: RecreationAle.

The Purists This lager, like all of Marietta’s Red Hare brews, has been in a can from the get-go. Also in cans: Its brown ale, its IPA.

The Arrivistes Coming soon: this light blonde ale from Statesboro’s new Eagle Rock Brewing. Also in cans: A lemon-lime hefeweizen.
