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Tag: BeltLine Westside Trail

50 Ways to Play Outside in Atlanta

50 Ways to Play Outside in Atlanta and Beyond

Time to get outside and play! From basketball to fishing to hiking to hanging out in a hammock, here's 50 great things to do outdoors around Atlanta.

The rise of Southwest Atlanta’s food scene

Darius Williams's Greens & Gravy, D Cafe, Pink Cole's Slutty Vegan, Monday Night Brewing's Garage, and much more. Southwest Atlanta's food scene has become a resurgence of black-owned businesses built to cater to the community.
Golda Kombucha founder Melanie Wade

How Golda Kombucha owner Melanie Wade turned “grandma’s weird mushroom tea” into a business

This fall, Wade will open Georgia’s first kombucha brewery and taproom—the third in the Southeast—moving production of Golda Kombucha from Tucker to a 6,000-square-foot space near the BeltLine Westside Trail.
Bellwood Quarry

A drone’s eye view of Bellwood Quarry

The 350-acre former mining site—more than double the size of Piedmont Park—could become the city’s largest greenspace, but not until 2030.

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