Tag: Clarence Thomas
52. Pin Point Heritage Museum, Savannah
Take a guided tour of the white cinder block plant, and stroll to the docks on Moon River where fishermen brought in the day’s catch.
Herman Cain is the Clarence Thomas of Bob Doles
During last night's GOP debate, Herman Cain defended himself from sexual harassment charges in a not especially compelling way.
Of lynchings, high tech and others
We are familiar with the outlines of the story by now: a black man who, after being born to poverty in Georgia, ascends to political prominence by dint of his talent and work ethic. His biography becomes a first-person testament to the virtues of self-reliance, faith, and the still vast possibilities of this nation. His ascent troubles liberals and many African Americans but among conservatives his future is virtually limitless. That is, until charges of sexual harassment arise and he is forced into the quagmires of race and gender which had been so studiously avoided up to that point.