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What made Josef Martinez an Atlanta legend

At his core, Josef Martinez was a diehard Atlanta United fan. And that’s why we love him.

While Josef Martinez was a franchise icon and one of Major League Soccer’s greatest-ever players, he was first and foremost a diehard Atlanta United fan. He felt the same passion and pettiness we did—the club, the city, and the fans meant everything to him. And we loved him in return.
The magic of minor league baseball Atlanta Braves Gwinnett Stripers

Minor Braves to Major miracles: The magic of following Minor League Baseball

This current crop of Atlanta Braves is very special to my family because we’ve enjoyed them long before they were famous, long before most diehard baseball fans had even heard of them. Ozzie Albies, Austin Riley, Adam Duvall, Freddie Freeman, Max Fried, Charlie Morton—before they were household names, they were Gwinnett Braves or Stripers.
The troubled triangle of Scottish heritage, Southern racial politics, and Stone Mountain

The troubled triangle of Scottish heritage, Southern racial politics, and Stone Mountain

"While history can provide an anchor to one’s soul, myths can become a kind of prison." Retired AJC columnist Jim Galloway looks at how myths of Scottish history influenced the South's Lost Cause myth.
It’s time to stop criminalizing HIV

It’s time to stop criminalizing HIV

Georgia law hasn’t caught up to science. For people living here with HIV, consensual sex can still lead to felony charges. An Atlanta writer shares his concerns and why it's time for change.
Trae Young 2021 Hawks playoffs

Years ago, I adopted Atlanta Hawks fandom. You should too.

Notes from a nonnative Atlantan—and longtime diehard Hawks fan—now that everyone is once again paying attention to our basketball team
U.S. Capitol innsurrection 1906 Atlanta Race Riots

To understand the mob violence at the U.S. Capitol, remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot

Rage is uncontrolled lashing out at a perceived injustice. The mob in Atlanta acted out of grievances fueled by false claims from politicians and media. So did the mob in Washington D.C.
Exploring Georgia one of the few good things about the 2020 pandemic

A look on the bright side of god-awful 2020, right before it ends  

Making the most of constant proximity to family, cheap outdoor adventuring around Georgia, and the gift of oppressive boredom.

Letter to the editor: Atlanta’s philanthropy must dig deeper for systemic change

Especially in the South, philanthropy has sometimes provided superficial atonement for anti-Black racism. Atlanta must do so much better. With leadership transitions at CFGA and other major nonprofit institutions upon us, I offer three goals as a call to action for addressing the mismatch between nonprofit institutional talk and walk.
John Lewis in 2016

John Lewis championed immigrant rights—and that made him even more of a hero to me

"The lasting memory I’ll have of him is how much he made me and my community feel seen and known, especially during a time when we were the most in need of help," writes Asian Americans Advancing Justice—Atlanta founder Helen Kim Ho.
New Zealand COVID-19 response

Commentary: An ex-pat Atlantan and former CDC staffer on what we could learn from nearly coronavirus-free New Zealand

My children are back at school. We eat out at restaurants. No one wears masks, and no one is concerned. This isn’t a wild dream; this is New Zealand.  

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