Tag: gambling
Georgia lawmakers say casinos could save the HOPE scholarship. Is the fix already in?
Using HOPE’s instability as justification, casino advocates last year resurrected efforts to change gambling laws. MGM Resorts International hired an army of 16 lobbyists to drum up support, emphasizing that Georgians already spend an estimated $346 million each year rolling the dice in nearby states.
Rep. Stacey Evans: ‘The HOPE grant should equal full tuition’
In a recent interview, Rep. Evans chatted with us about how she would like to see the scholarship program retooled, the potential role of casinos in shoring up the state’s academic scholarship program, and why the state would benefit from providing some students with needs-based aid.
For the Lady
There is a little old lady living in the bushes along the on-ramp by my house. I might have imagined her, but I doubt it. The last time I hallucinated, I was seventeen and driving south on the freeway that runs along the California coast. Suddenly I saw wild animals—giraffes, warthogs, and whatnot—running alongside my car, and keeping good pace, too.
HOPE Scholarship—and Gov. Deal—could benefit from new video gaming law
The term “adult redemption game” may sound evocative, perhaps even near-poetic—until you realize the words are vending-industry jargon for a videogame that allows high-scorers to win merchandise vouchers or lottery tickets while perched on a stool in the back of a truck stop or convenience store.
The Good Loser
I would be a great gambler if not for the fact that I love losing too much, and when you find something you do well, something you love—which are two things that don’t necessarily go hand in hand—all I can say is, you have to listen to the universe.