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Tag: Georgia Voice

A love letter to the Georgia Voice

A love letter to the Georgia Voice

Through her editorial guidance at SoVo and GaVo, which she launched in 2010, Chris Cash taught me and others the importance of bringing our authentic selves into our reporting and the inherent value of queer people covering our own communities.
Southern Voice Atlanta

Why Southern Voice, Atlanta’s LGBTQ+ newspaper, meant so much

Co-founder Chris Cash recalls why she founded Southern Voice, and why having an independent queer news outlet remains imperative in 2020.
The Rainbow crosswalk at 10th and Piedmont

A half-century of LGBTQ+ milestones in Atlanta

The first Atlanta Pride was held in Piedmont Park 50 years ago to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. Our LGBTQ+ community has made many strides over the last half-century. But we have far to go.

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