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Tag: New England Patriots

Malcolm Mitchell: Super Bowl champion and literacy advocate

Super Bowl champion and literacy advocate Malcolm Mitchell on the importance of reading

"Everything I learned from football—whether resilience, accountability, change, or overcoming adversity—has crafted my mentality to reading and bringing it to others."
Super Bowl LIII Atlanta

Game Day in Atlanta: Scenes from Super Bowl LIII

It all came down to this. Two years of planning and preparation, a week of concerts, parties, award ceremonies, charity events, and press conferences—all to culminate in one of the biggest and most-talked about sporting events in the country. Browse our photo gallery of game day photos.
Super Bowl LIII Atlanta

Commentary: Atlanta deserved a better football game for Super Bowl LIII

As the final shards of Lombardi Trophy-shaped confetti twinkled around Tom Brady on Mercedes-Benz Stadium’s field, many Atlantans realized what fans of the Los Angeles Rams certainly had already internalized—Super Bowl LIII just wasn’t that good.
Mercedes-Benz Stadium Super Bowl food

Mercedes-Benz Stadium will have special Rams and Patriots hot dogs for Super Bowl LIII

Mercedes-Benz Stadium will serve a "Rams" hot dog with chicharrones and a "Patriots" dog topped with baked beans. And they'll be selling both Coke and Pepsi.
Super Bowl LIII Opening Night

The most interesting things we saw at Super Bowl LIII Opening Night

The spectacle, formerly known as Media Day, is officially a giant press conference, but in reality it often has little to do with football and a lot to do with bizarre questions and goofy challenges. Here's what we saw at Super Bowl Opening Night 2019.
Super Bowl Experience Atlanta Georgia World Congress Center

10 Things to know before you go to Atlanta’s Super Bowl Experience

At the Super Bowl Experience at the Georgia World Congress Center, fans can have their photo taken with the Lombardi Trophy, view every Super Bowl ring, get free autographs, and play game after game after game. But there's a few things you should know before you tackle the 800,000-square-foot exhibition.

Thoughts on a half-century of Falcons heartbreak

The night the losing finally ended only to come roaring back once again, there was a quiet peace inside one man’s house out in Roswell. Yes, the night Atlanta almost won the Super Bowl—finally shaking off that dubious nickname of Loserville—and somehow still lost the Super Bowl, life went on. If only, perhaps, because that man knows the hounding howl of disappointment better than most.
Zoo Atlanta Tom Brady cockroach

Losing a bet, Zoo Atlanta names a baby cockroach after Tom Brady

Zoo Atlanta lost a bet to Roger Williams Park Zoo in Rhode Island and had to name one of their baby animals after, ew, Tom Brady. Falcons fans will be thrilled to find out that baby animal was a Madagascar hissing cockroach.
Arthur Blank Super Bowl LI

Two days before Super Bowl, Arthur Blank is as cool as can be

This Sunday, Arthur Blank's team could finally win its first Lombardi Trophy. Is the longtime Atlanta Falcons owner nervous? “No. I’m anxious for Sunday to get here.”

5 essential Texan foods for your Super Bowl tailgate party in Houston

Going to Houston this weekend for Super Bowl LI? When in Texas, do as the Texans do. Upgrade your tailgate with these five local foods.

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