Tag: Oxford American
Atlanta Must Reads for the Week: Atlanta’s auto addiction, a septuagenarian blues guitarist, and Kendrick Johnson’s divisive death
The best stories each week about Atlanta, from Atlanta-based writers, and beyond.
Atlanta Must Reads for the Week: Sexual assaults at Atlanta colleges, Cobb’s suburban renewal, and the Find-My-iPhone app’s bizarre bug
The best stories each week about Atlanta, from Atlanta-based writers, and beyond.
Oxford American’s Southern Food 2010 hits newsstands
The sixty-plus-degree weather has made grateful simpletons of us all, as we make any excuse to wander around outside with glazed, happy expressions. But when the temperatures dip again at the end of the week, plan to nestle back inside with a copy of the Oxford American magazine’s new Southern Food 2010 issue, guest-edited by John T. Edge. It crowds some juicy, intelligent prose (and a few poems) between its 127 pages.