Tag: Res Ipsa
The local three: What the Atlanta guy needs in his wardrobe now
Three locally-made items every Atlanta man needs, featuring accessories from Whipping Post, Res Ipsa, and W. Kleinberg.
20 stylish Atlantans you should follow
With the launch of our new fashion publication, Atlanta Magazine Style Book, we decided to round up the top twenty locals creating online eye candy that inspires us.
New Local Menswear Company: Res Ipsa
Two Atlanta lawyers were tired of choosing between fat, goofy ties and skinny hipster ties. So in January, Josh Moore and Odini Nwakuche launched Res Ipsa, which started with three-inch-wide ties in grenadine silks, Scottish tartans, and English Mogador.
Fall Fashion: The World Awaits
Fall fashion has arrived with faraway patterns, rich textures, full silhouettes, and earthy tones, inspiring wanderlust that brings to mind a different kind of runway.