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Tag: Ser Familia

A Call to Service

When the world began to split at the seams, Alicia Philipp, the longtime director of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, was in a vineyard in Sao Pedro do Sul, Portugal, visiting family. From her vantage point, the deadly coronavirus, already tearing through Europe, was a real, if not necessarily immediate, threat to America.
21st Century Plague: Coronavirus in Atlanta

21st Century Plague

This wasn’t supposed to happen. This was guaranteed to happen. But to us? Now? 17 Georgians on what coronavirus has done—and what it still can do.
21st Century Plague: 17 Atlantans on what coronavirus has done, and what it still can do

Ser Familia founder Belisa Urbina: “Do whatever you can, but just do something.”

For our 21st Century Plague project, we spoke with 17 Georgians about the toll of COVID-19.

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