Tag: visual art
The Tao of Pooh: Winnie-the-Pooh comes to the High Museum
Atlanta's High Museum of Art is the first museum to bring the 200-plus–artifact Exploring a Classic, an interactive exhibition of original sketches, ephemera, and merchandise from the Hundred Acre Wood, across the pond from London’s Victoria and Albert Museum.
Want to relax? Put down your phone and grab the second volume of Color ATL
Color ATL’s second edition (the first was a hit in 2016) features works by 42 local artists, including Jeremy Brown, Catlanta, HENSE, and Tiny Doors ATL.
How Atlanta artist Greg Mike came up with his most iconic character
If you've spent any time in Atlanta, you've probably seen a bright turquoise, often square creature with an ever-shifting amount of eyes and a massive set of pearly white teeth staring at you from murals and billboards across town. The character, known as Larry Loudmouf, is the brainchild of street artist Greg Mike, a Connecticut native who has been living in Atlanta for the past 14 years.
With massive messages, Atlanta’s arts community pushes back against hate
Peter Ferrari wanted to stress the importance of organizing and taking action. Quianah Upton focused on food access. Shannon Palumbo found inspiration in the words of Allen Ginsberg. On Thursday, massive banners painted by these Atlanta artists—along with roughly 30 other painters, poets, and musicians— were rolled out from East Atlanta to Castleberry Hill.
You can climb and play on these whimsical animals at the High Museum
The High’s newest outdoor art installation is named Tiovivo, Spanish for “merry-go-round,” which is the first hint that it’s intended to serve as both eye-catching sculpture and children’s playscape.
Eric Carle’s vibrant world comes to the High Museum
For nearly 50 years, Eric Carle’s distinctive hand-painted paper collages have been among the first works of art that young children encounter. This month more than 80 original creations from some of Carle’s most popular books (Brown Bear, Brown Bear; The Very Hungry Caterpillar) will be on view at the High Museum.
High Museum debuts Vik Muniz exhibition, including a self-portrait made of trash
Vik Muniz gathered hundreds of pieces of trash from the largest landfill in Rio de Janeiro to create an enormous sculpture—a portrait—made from soda cans, broken computer monitors and toys, bike parts, even an old cash register.
Atlanta artist Jon Eric Riis’s tapestries blend beauty with a powerful social message
Many cite Atlanta’s Jon Eric Riis as the nation’s leading contemporary tapestry artist, known for weaving richly embellished textiles so masterfully executed that their loveliness nearly obscures their powerful satire.
How to ship an artistic masterpiece
Museums often borrow works of art for exhibitions, but how does a precious, fragile painting from, say, New York make its way to Atlanta without a speck of damage? This month the Georgia Museum of Art offers a rare glimpse into the complexities of shipping a work.