Tag: zero-proof cocktails
A pleasure-seekers’ guide to crafty cocktails with low to no alcohol
Go to any establishment with a progressive bar program in Atlanta these days, and you’ll find drink options with little to no alcohol—“low ABV,” “nonalcoholic,” “zero-proof,” or “0 ABV”—these sober offerings now bookend their boozy counterparts.
Atlanta is getting its first nonalcoholic bottle shop, the Zero Co.
The new store from the owners of Elemental Spirits Co. and the Zero Proof plans to stock over 500 nonalcoholic spirits, wines, beers, and ready-to-drink beverages
12 zero-proof cocktails to try in Atlanta
It's easier than ever to find nonalcoholic drinks that pack in all of the flavor and complexity of a craft cocktail. Here are 12 different ones to try around metro Atlanta.
The rise of the “zero-proof” cocktail in Atlanta
As the craft cocktail movement has taken off, so-called “zero-proof” cocktails have evolved from slapped-together afterthoughts to well-considered compositions. While most modern-day cocktail barkeeps have the tools, know-how, and creativity to prepare an interesting, nonalcoholic drink on the fly, more establishments are choosing to invest time in developing zero-proof recipes and are dedicating sections of their menu to them.