Photo by Martha Williams
Amy Dosik has remarked that she has one son—and 36,000 girls. As the chief executive officer for Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Dosik’s mission is to help develop competence and confidence in thousands of local girls, so they’ll thrive in college, a career, and community life. “All girls benefit from Girl Scouts, but these skills are especially important in vulnerable communities, and Atlanta ranks as one of the worst cities for economic mobility,” she says. “For these girls, Girl Scouts is a game-changer.” As participants earn badges in areas like engineering and coding, they’re introduced to growing career fields. Scouting also helps girls build social-emotional skills like resilience, teamwork, and conflict resolution to help them succeed even when life is challenging, she adds.
As an example of how the organization has changed over the years, she points out the Girl Scout Cookie Program and its shift to an e-commerce space. “Girl Scouts who sell cookies learn goal-setting, money management, and business ethics—real-world skills that ignite their entrepreneurial spark,” Dosik says, adding that 50 percent of female business owners started as Girl Scouts.
The Philadelphia native first came to Atlanta for law school at Emory University in the mid ’90s, and then settled permanently in 2001. She’s proud to be a founding board member of It’s The Journey, which runs the Georgia 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer, and an alumna of Leadership Atlanta, an organization that helps to educate community leaders about important issues.
And yes, she was a Girl Scout back in Pennsylvania. Now Dosik enjoys life in Sandy Springs with her husband, son, and rescue Maltipoo. Weekends are often filled with hikes in the Chattahoochee National Forest, and cultural activities in non-COVID times. As for her previous career, she points out that being a tax attorney and Girl Scouts CEO aren’t all that different, since busy season for taxes and Girl Scout Cookie season take place at the same time. Says Dosik, “My body was already used to working really hard from January through April every year!”