Atlanta artists Steve Penley and Hutton Snellings break boundaries in Collide exhibition

Find their work in the gallery above Onward Reserve from March 20 to 22
Photograph by Kathryn McCrary

Born more than two decades apart, Atlanta artists Steve Penley and Hutton Snellings are teaming up for Collide, a joint exhibition in the gallery above Onward Reserve in Buckhead. Fans of their work may find the match odd; Penley, the “unofficial artist in residence” for Coca-Cola, paints American iconography (the American flag, Teddy Roosevelt), while 26-year-old Snellings produces ethereal abstracts. In the studio, though, sarcastic banter colors their conversation, and their 10 collaborative canvases—boundary-breaking combinations of each of their preferred methods and hues—are just as much fun. March 20 to 22, $7,000–$10,000 per 48-by-48-inch piece
