Saturday night’s “Celebrity Autobiography” show featuring founder Eugene Pack and comic actors Scott Adsit, Lucy Devito, Laura Kightlinger and Tim Kazurinsky started about 40 minutes late at the Buckhead Theatre.
Traffic and tardy walk up sales aside, when the actors finally appeared on stage clutching the celebrity-penned literary works of Ivana Trump, Mr. T, the Jonas Brothers, Kenny Loggins and David Hasselhoff the show generated guffaws nearly non-stop for 70 minutes.To be perfectly honest, we haven’t laughed so hard since Kim Zolciak first described herself as an “artist” in season one of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.”
From Laura Kightlinger reading parenting advice from Trump who apparently shoved little Ivanka and Donald Jr. off a mountain as toddlers accompanied by a motherly “SKI DOWN!” to Mr. T’s now-ridiculous sense of self as a star of the mid-1980s (“Many books will be written about me.”), “Celebrity Autobiography” brilliantly demonstrates why stars with a single mildly entertaining cocktail party yarn shouldn’t write 300-page memoirs.
In “Sly Moves,” for example, as read by Pack, Sylvester Stallone details for readers the contents of both his refrigerator and freezer (spoiler alert: Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey is involved).
Making his “Celebrity Autobiography” debut Saturday night, former “Beverly Hills 90210” heart throb Luke Perry proved he has great comic timing and sense of the absurd. First, Perry drew laughs with his inspired reading of a love letter from the hilariously awful memoir “The Unimaginable Life” by pop star Kenny Loggins which is so deliciously creepy, any judge would issue a restraining order in response to the missive. Not surprisingly, Loggins and wife number two divorced not long after “Life’s” publication.
But it was rock drummer/amateur pornographer Tommy Lee’s memoir “Tommyland” that provided Perry with the richest comedic gold mine. For the uninitiated, Lee’s memoir/manifesto includes tips for having sex in a running automobile. (One handy piece of advice? Keep your eyes on the road. Writes Lee: “There’s nothing worse than having a crash mid-[expletive].”
But it was the show’s celebrity autobiography finale mash up of last century’s ultimate Hollywood four-way that put the audience in the aisle. Devito read from Debbie Reynolds‘ memoir while Kightlinger played Elizabeth Taylor, Pack as Eddie Fisher and a Welsh-accented, spittle-spraying Adsit read from Richard Burton‘s book. Naturally, in each book, each member of the infamous quadrangle boasts of taking the high road during the multi-continent cheating spree.
Toward the end of the riotous reading, we’re fairly sure we detected the sound of our former boss falling out of his chair laughing a few rows away. And believe us, he’s a tough audience.