Best-Kept Secret: Mooncake Studio


Best of Atlanta 2015After owner Janet Armell closed her decades-old Virginia-Highland storefront in 2012, many people thought the funky Mooncake was no more. But those in the know have discovered her new digs (Armell calls it a “studio” rather than a shop) just down the road, tucked at the end of Drewry Street. The dreamy boutique is filled with kilim sofas; birdcages; vintage dress forms; and cutting-edge, surprising European labels, like Elm by Matthildur (founded in Iceland) and Rundholz from Germany. The doors are open most weekends, and she often hosts trunk shows (ask to be added to the mailing list, or check the Facebook page for details). 675 Drewry Street,

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This article originally appeared in our November 2015 issue.
