Untitled work by Alex Brewer (Hense), 2010, silkscreen on wood, 48×48 inches |
Other signs that Atlanta is beginning to recognize legitimate graffitists: This August local artist Monica Campana will invite international street art’s top dogs to throw up their best work for Living Walls, a grassroots conference that last year drew 1,000 attendees on its opening night and has earned $10,000 in funding from nonprofit Flux Projects for its 2011 run. Also, the annual Art on the Atlanta BeltLine exhibition re-ups in September with another round of temporary pieces installed along the twenty-two-mile BeltLine route.
>> Gallery: More street art |
Even “the man” (aka the City of Atlanta) is getting in on the action. Helmed by Camille Love, Atlanta’s Office of Cultural Affairs is providing funds for Hense to create a mural at Arizona and DeKalb avenues this month as well as a budget for four murals by other artists adjacent to the Marcia Wood, Beep Beep, Whitespace, and Get This! galleries. In August OCA will debut Elevate, a three-month-long event that organizers hope will transform the Alabama Avenue streetscape above Underground Atlanta into a dynamic urban gallery. The city’s parks commissioner, George Dusenbury, says a nonprofit project modeled after Philadelphia’s Mural Arts Program is in the works.