The Talkmaster, Mighty Whitey, the High Priest of the Church of the Painful Truth—Boortz has been on air since 1969, when he famously showed up at WRNG radio and offered his services the morning after the station’s regular host committed suicide. Tact has never been Boortz’s priority. A fiscal conservative and FairTax advocate, the avowed Libertarian espouses liberal views on social issues such as the legalization of drugs, gay rights, and abortion (which he refuses to discuss on air). Known for wild exaggerations such as his assertion that teachers unions are more dangerous than a nuclear-armed al-Qaida, the National Radio Hall of Famer is also notorious for inflammatory Tweets: “If Obama is hurting your business . . . and you have to lay off someone . . . why not lay off an Obama voter? They contributed to your problem.”
The Size of the Fight in the Dog Boortz’s Twitter avatar is his beloved one-eyed papillon, Coco, who passed away in 2009.