Illustration by Ryan Snook
If we’ve learned anything from Waffle House, it’s that almost anything can happen. Like in January, when a woman stripped naked in a Kennesaw WaHo, threw plates of food, broke a customer’s nose, and resisted arrest. Or in May 2014, when a man tried to rob a Norcross location with a pitchfork but dropped it as he ran away—a mistake because employees chased after him with it. But not every surprise is a bad one. During Snowpocalypse 2014, with the metro area in gridlock, Stephanie Diggs, then manager of an Alpharetta WaHo, spent nearly 15 hours running the restaurant with only one other employee. Soon customers were pitching in—washing dishes, taking orders, and yelling at anyone complaining about slow service. “I had a group of ladies that actually gave me their hotel room and told me I could stay in it as long as I needed,” Diggs recalls. “It was 100 percent unexpected, from start to finish.”